How do I know what is my Kindle called?

This page contains the basic information of your Kindle's name, and the nicknames established by the MobileRead community.

In this guide (and pretty much all of MobileRead) will be referring to the models by their nicknames (eg: PW4 for the Kindle Paperwhite (10th Generation)).

In this guide, when it mentions a device, assume that all variants are included unless specified otherwise. (eg: PW5 will include both PW5 and PW5SE, KOA3 will include KOA3W32C, KOA3G32JP, KOA3G32, KOA3W32 and so on.)

To check the model you have and your serial number, go into Settings > Device Options > Device Info, a window will pop up showing what model your Kindle is, alongside other things including your serial number.

To see what serial number corresponds with which Kindle model, go to the MobileRead Wiki to find out.

I have chosen to not duplicate the S/N table here to not cause more fragmentation, and thus, more things to keep up to date.

Once you've identified your Kindle, go to Determining what options you can use to jailbreak.

Last updated