Back up your Kindle's system files (8th gen or older)

This page will guide you through on how to back up your Kindle's system partitions, in case of a brick so that you can restore it to a functional state using a serial connection.

This guide will only apply to older devices such as the PW2, PW3, KT2, KT3, KV, KOA as newer devices such as the PW4/KT4 has a different partition layout, alongside secure boot, thus no way to restore it even if you have managed to back up the entire system.


How to use:

  1. First, install kterm to extensions on your Kindle. This will allow kterm to be launched from KUAL. (Drag and drop the kterm folder to extensions!)

  2. Unarchive backup-0.3.tar.gz, Plug in your Kindle (with USBNetwork turned off, if you don't know what this is feel free to ignore.) and then copy both esys and unjail folders to the root of your Kindle's visible storage (it's where the documents folder is).

  3. Eject your Kindle, then go to KUAL > kterm.

  4. Do the following:

    1. cd /mnt/us/unjail

    2. ls to make sure that the script is there.

    3. Once you've verified the script is there, ./

    4. This will take a few minutes. Sit back, relax, and have a cup of tea, or beer if that's more your thing.

    5. Once it's done, it'll create a folder called backups in the visible storage of Kindle (/mnt/us/backups) in which you can find your backup.

    6. Exit kterm by doing exit, then plug your Kindle back in.

    7. Copy the contents inside of backups to a safe place.

That's it, you've backed up the important system files! In case your Kindle ever bricks itself (which sometimes can happen), follow this guide.

Last updated